Good Gravy...where does the time slip to. I wish I could say I have been bird watching.
Well I have been to some degree, enough to notice some exciting new visitors. I am in awe of the beautiful Orioles that I have lured to our yard. I was worried our massive back birds would not be too friendly, but....we have two sweet Orioles!
The substitute teaching business is booming as the school year comes to an end. I can't really pass up the jobs, as I know once school gets out....I will have much more time. Time to get back to Artistic Mother projects and other projects that I have brewing in the brain. Weekends don't seem to count anymore. Kids and their sports are ruling supreme. I love the kids activities, but man oh man...they take a chunk of time out of your schedule.
So as promised, some updates. I was able to deliver beautiful Mother's Day projects to a couple of classes that I worked with this past year the week before Mother's Day. Oh the smiles. I think mine was the biggest. The kids were so surprised to see their little creations turned into shiny smooth glazed pendants strung onto colorful cord necklaces. You can see some of the serious artists at workk below. Yes indeedy, they took this project very seriously! It was something for Mom afterall!
Hopefully I will have more updates soon. Which...... means I have managed more balance in my life (BIG SMILE!).