Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Select: Sign Up Now for the free embellishments newsletter. Once you subscribe you will get the latest version and see the tutorial.
Here is a link to her blog http://ephemeralalchemy.blogspot.com/
gluten free
I found this book to be liberating that you can still enjoy food when it seems you are restricted from all of the "good" stuff. This book is about her journey. There are some recipes sprinkled in, but her passion to not give up on food is the main thread. This I love. I was surprised to see some negative feedback on Amazon. Take this book for what it is....hope for continuing to enjoy food. Her blog is wonderful as well. http://glutenfreegirl.blogspot.com/ You have to check it out. Last night I made the spinach/chick pea quick dinner recipe. It was delicious. Everyone commented on the wonderful smells...even the ever questioning 14 year old! Today I am going to make the syrup for the strawberry/rhubarb lemonade. I plan to serve this over the 4th. I can't wait....my mouth is watering already!
Monday, June 29, 2009
I joined the yahoo Mixed Media Art Group a couple of months ago after learning about it through Crazy Art Girl Musings at this address http://www.alteredbelly.blogspot.com/ . Through this group I participated in my first charm swap. In addition to the group I was further inspired by the book A Charming Exchange: 25 Jewelry Projects To Create & Share
The materials/techniques range from: soldering, origami, leather, stamping, shrinky dink, buttons, wood, small book binding, etc.
I then convinced my dear arty friends back in MN (we moved to Michigan this past October) to do a swap with me. Lucky for me...I created this awesome charm bracelet from the charms that we swapped. Obviously this charm bracelet has special meaning to me, having charms made from some very special friends. I need close ups of these beads....but the materials and techniques are detailed felted balls, wood burning, stamping, polymer clay, fabric beads, resin, fabric and more.
My most recent swap was through the magazine, Cloth, Paper, Scissors. Not only did I receive these charms, but also have connected with a couple of the artists!
These charms are: paper beads trio, miniature handwoven basket, bead with fringe yarn and smaller beads, tiny shell attached to two beads and polymer bead with a crystal.
All of the amazing charms swapped needed to be: under two inches and wearable (something that can be exposed to say water if washing dishes, etc.)
My arty Minnesota friends and I are planning another swap, this time with a blue/green/beach theme. I'll have to keep you posted! I encourage you to gather some friends and plan a swap.....I promise you will not be disappointed!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
4th of july project
Supplies: large dandelions, hair spray and spray paint (red, white and blue)
Go find some large dandelions.

Before cutting the large dandelion, spray with hair spray. As an experiment I tried both the pump and aerosol and found no significant difference. However, if you are letting a young person apply the hairspray...you might want to go with the pump as you don't have to worry about the aerosol spray blowing the dandelion to smitherings (speaking from personal observation, of course). The hair spray will help you to safely transport your dandelions back home.

Then....you can spray your dandelions with spray paint. I chose red, white and blue in anticipation for the upcoming 4th of July. But whose to say you couldn't spray a bunch with hair spray and set aside. Then color according to the celebration....Halloween (orange and black), kids party (pink, orange, purple).......hmmmm. I better go get some more!

loving summer

Go have some distraction free time. Trust me, you will love it!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Summer Days

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Red Wings!

School is winding down. Looking forward to all of fun we will have this summer. I enjoy the summer time with the kids as much as they enjoy school being out.
ciao and.....................................................go wings!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
year end projects

Need to get this fired so we can give it to her at graduation next week. Since I will be firing the kiln I have dozens of new "charms" to glaze and fire....I am quickly becoming addicted to making charms. I can thank Cloth, Paper, Scissors Magazine and Mixed Media yahoo group for lighting this new passion!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Dedicated to Amy
So in memory of a dear friend, who passed away suddenly five years ago...Amy...I dedicate this blog to you. You may have left us physically, but your spirit lives on. You would have been champing at the bit for me to get this blog going a long time ago. So with the mantra...what would Amy do...i decide to go for it. Thanks Amy!
My goal for this blog is to share ideas. In tough times, living creatively is not only wise financially, but for the spirit so very important. I think these tough economic changes were inevitable. We have become a society living with excess. So while we pare down our lifestyles, we can discover the riches we have within our creative spirits.